SEASONS: Summer, 2023
The first in a four-event series, SEASONS: Summer debuted on Sunday, June 18th at Comtu Cascade Park in Springfield, VT.
SEASONS: Summer showcased new works by choreographer Ashley Hensel-Browning set to the "Summer" variations from Max Richter's "Recomposed by Max Richter: Vivaldi – The Four Seasons," with additional songs from Joy Oladokun, Sylvan Esso, and JVKE. The cast of regional dancers was joined by the AVD Youth Ensemble.
Following the performance, audience members were invited to collaborate in a sculpture created by nature artist Emily Burkland of Chester, VT’s Community Art Garden.
Support for SEASONS: Summer was generously provided by the Byrne Foundation and Claremont Savings Bank Foundation.
SEASONS: Summer was made possible through the support of the Town of Springfield, VT, Jessica Martin and Springfield On the Move, and The Dance Factory.
"Avant Vermont Dancers Celebrate Summer" - Springfield Reporter